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Praxiszirkel Life Sciences Workshop

On Tuesday 4th of September 2018, the Hightech Zentrum Aargau and Tillotts Pharma AG (Tillotts) hosted an afternoon of scientific lectures and discussions on Drug Delivery Systems. Drug delivery systems and formulations are not only a central topic for Tillotts but generally represent a major challenge in the life sciences environment.

Speakers from Tillotts as well as from the University of Basel spoke amongst other subjects about new perspectives for Colonic Drug Delivery and therapeutic approaches to Ulcerative Colitis. To see the detailed program, click here.

Following the fruitful lectures and solution-oriented discussions, the participants were invited to have a tour around the Tillotts laboratories and gain a small insight into our research techniques. Read more about our Research and Development (R&D) efforts here.

The afternoon was rounded off by a small networking reception where further the scientific discussions and idea exchange continued.

A warm thanks to all the speakers and participants for their contribution and participation.


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  string(19) "2018-09-21 08:15:14"
  string(1428) "On Tuesday 4th of September 2018, the Hightech Zentrum Aargau and Tillotts Pharma AG (Tillotts) hosted an afternoon of scientific lectures and discussions on Drug Delivery Systems. Drug delivery systems and formulations are not only a central topic for Tillotts but generally represent a major challenge in the life sciences environment.

Speakers from Tillotts as well as from the University of Basel spoke amongst other subjects about new perspectives for Colonic Drug Delivery and therapeutic approaches to Ulcerative Colitis. To see the detailed program, click here.

Following the fruitful lectures and solution-oriented discussions, the participants were invited to have a tour around the Tillotts laboratories and gain a small insight into our research techniques. Read more about our Research and Development (R&D) efforts here.

The afternoon was rounded off by a small networking reception where further the scientific discussions and idea exchange continued.

A warm thanks to all the speakers and participants for their contribution and participation.


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