Understanding capsule compatibility with lipid-based formulations: 1
1. Microstructural formulation changes with aqueous dilution and comparison to percolation theory (Poster 1, W4061).
Alexandra H. E. Machado, Tohru Kokubo, Gabriela Dujovny, Brian Jones, Claudio Scialdone, Roberto Bravo, Martin Kuentz.
03 May 2016
Presented at the AAPS Meeting and Exhibition, Orlando Fla, United States, 2015
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Alexandra H. E. Machado, Tohru Kokubo, Gabriela Dujovny, Brian Jones, Claudio Scialdone, Roberto Bravo, Martin Kuentz.
03 May 2016
Presented at the AAPS Meeting and Exhibition, Orlando Fla, United States, 2015"
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