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A Star is born

Rewarding extraordinary performances is important to us, which is why we introduced what we call, the Baloise Award. Every year, we invite our best employees of the year to the Baloise session to enjoy an extraordinary evening while being entertained by a world-class artists.

During 2018, another reward program was born – the Star Award. In contrast to the winners of the Baloise Award, where the winners are selected based on individual qualities and excellence, the Star Award has an emphasis on teamwork and collective efforts. Working together as a team is crucial to advance initiatives that can have a significant impact on patients’ well-being and quality of life. It is therefore only natural that we also reward this aspect.

The winners of the 2018 Star Award is our affiliate in the United Kingdom for achieving extraordinary performance in a highly competitive market. We could not be more proud of them for working hard each and every day under the mantra "Keeping the main thing, the main thing". There is no doubt that they are worthy winners of the 2018 award.

During 2019, Tillotts management will continue to look for extraordinary team performances within the Tillotts Group. They will nominate the different teams and ultimately, the employees will decide who will win the Star Award of 2019.

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  string(1446) "Rewarding extraordinary performances is important to us, which is why we introduced what we call, the Baloise Award. Every year, we invite our best employees of the year to the Baloise session to enjoy an extraordinary evening while being entertained by a world-class artists.

During 2018, another reward program was born – the Star Award. In contrast to the winners of the Baloise Award, where the winners are selected based on individual qualities and excellence, the Star Award has an emphasis on teamwork and collective efforts. Working together as a team is crucial to advance initiatives that can have a significant impact on patients’ well-being and quality of life. It is therefore only natural that we also reward this aspect.

The winners of the 2018 Star Award is our affiliate in the United Kingdom for achieving extraordinary performance in a highly competitive market. We could not be more proud of them for working hard each and every day under the mantra "Keeping the main thing, the main thing". There is no doubt that they are worthy winners of the 2018 award.

During 2019, Tillotts management will continue to look for extraordinary team performances within the Tillotts Group. They will nominate the different teams and ultimately, the employees will decide who will win the Star Award of 2019."
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